On the State and Prospects of the Study of Zoroastrianism

On the State and Prospects of the Study of Zoroastrianism


The academic study of Zoroastrianism goes back to the seventeenth century. It was a classic topic in the History of Religions as an academic discipline throughout its for mative period. Zoroastrianism has become less visible on the field of the History of Religions since the 1970s. Th is, however, does not mean that there was no progress in Zoroastrian Studies since that time. Quite to the contrary, despite the customary tendency to paint a gloomy picture of the progress of Zoroastrian Studies, scholarship in this field has advanced considerably in recent decades. Th e present article sketches eighteen major subjects of innovative recent research activities. Topics include textual studies, law, astrology, secondary sources, religion and politics, regional diversity, marginalization, impact on and interaction with other religious traditions, the modern communities in India, Iran, and various “diasporic” settings as well as gender, rituals, and outside reception. Th e article concludes by sketching some prospects for the study of Zoroastrianism.

  • Author
    Michael Stausberg
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